
Prucan week – day 1 : First meeting or and fate.

For this I wanted to start well with a bit on how I see them. 

I guess their first meeting was when Matthew was still a very young country. probably during one of his first trip with France to Europe. There Gilbert only saw him as a cute kid a newborn nation And Matthew was probably the kind of child who would observe the adults from afar. Still I think Gilbert’s eyes would probably would have left a striking impression on him. (probably the first time he saw a human albino. He would probably had compared Gil to a bunny in his head)

The second part is probably another of their meetings during the World wars. I think they probably met a few more time during England tutelage of Matthew and the war in which Gilbert helped train Alfred. But, in my mind, its only during the world wars that Gilbert will totally see Matthew as a grown nation, as his total equal and not just a young nation.

Time will pass and its only in more recent time that those two will be able to form a real, strong and oh so beautiful relationship.

against all the odds.

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Prucan week – day 3: First kiss

September 1972

Canada had come to the URSS with his hockey team for the final four game of the summit series. It was the first time since the end of WW2 that Matthew was able to really talk with Gilbert even toughs they exchanged salutation from afar at the Sapporo Olympics earlier that year.

One day Matthew (while staying at Ivan place for the games) was able to ask Gilbert for a walk on the manor grounds. It was a very cold September day and both got caught into a sudden downpour. They took refuge under a very tall pine tree and while waiting for the rain to end Matthew suddenly mentioned the photo he had found a few years back of them dancing in 1927. 

That conversation ended with Matthew Kissing Gilbert very clumsily, Gilbert pulling back red and aghast before taking off Matthew glasses and kissing him again hard (but just as clumsily.)

song : 

Hægt, kemur ljósið(

“slowly, comes the light”)

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